Friday, August 26, 2011

Cleaning House and Saving Money

Your best and least expensive cleaners are  already in your kitchen.  Watch your cleaning supply  bill reduce drastically by using these tips.   When you buy "brands" you are paying
 for packaging and marketing.  Manufactures are the ones who are really cleaning up.                                                                                        


VINEGAR:  Contains  acidic acid,  tartaric acid and citric acid.  It cleans and disinfects. 

Stainless steel:  Clean stainless steel sinks, (did you know manufactures say never use bleach on stainless steel?)

Garbage disposal:  Add baking soda and vinegar to clean and deodorize.

Glass: Cleans mirrors and windows with a soft cloth.

Wood:  Use to remove wax buildup.  

Floors: Mix couple tablespoons with water and damp mop.

Hair Rinse:  Combine 1/4 cup vinegar mixed with cup of warm water and apply to hair after shampooing, It will leave a squeaky clean feeling and a  beautiful shine.

Ants:  Gives ants the boot when you  wipe down cabinets where ants have been.   They don't like the stuff at all.  I had ants coming in through the electrical outlet behind the  microwave so I placed  a little vinegar in a cup inside the microwave.  No more ants!

BAKING SODA: (sodium bicarb)  It has disinfectant  and antiseptic properties and it may be an effective fungicide against some organisms.  It is used in baking where it reacts with other components to release carbon dioxide and causes batter and dough to rise.   Ancient Egyptians used baking soda as soap.
Skin exfoliate:  Mix with facial cleaner and gently scrub.  It works as good as any you can buy. 

Deodorant:  Apply under arms  with a cotton ball

Shampoo: Use alone or along with your usual shampoo to remove hair product residual.  Also great as a dry shampoo if you have oily hair. 

Mouth wash:  Mix with water to use as a mouth wash.  Combine with a small amount  of peroxide to soak dentures 

Teeth stains:  Mix with hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from teeth. 

Skin Softner:   Add a few tablespoons to your bath water for softer skin. 

Soft scrub:  Mix with water to make a paste  to clean and scrub  sinks, counter tops, etc.

Laundry:  Add one half cup to the wash cycle to  boost your  laundry detergent. 

Grout:   Mix with hydrogen peroxide and scrub grout with small brush  to restore whiteness.

Garbage disposal:  Put a couple of tablespoons in the garbage disposal and add one half cup vinegar.  A nice foamy reaction occurs which will clean and deodorize. Repeat as desired.

Deodorizer:  Sprinkle in or on  trash cans, garbage disposals, carpets, shoes, musty books,  etc,  to neutralize odors.  Keep a box in the refrigerator and freezer also. 

Fire: Sprinkle on grease fires.

Silver:  Make a paste with water and scrub.

Floors:  Mix one half a cup with water and damp mop tile and no wax floors.

Oven:  Sprinkle in the bottom of the oven, spray with water, let sit over night and then remove grease and grime. 

Cloths  softener:  Add one half  one cup to the rinse cycle as a replacement for softener and also to remove odors

Stains:  Removes heavy tea and coffee stains from cups.  

Medicinal:  Mix with water to form a paste and apply to  insect bites.


Floors: Mix a couple tablespoons with water to damp mop tile and no wax floors. 

Glass: Clean  windows,  mirror, and eyeglasses 

You will save a  bundle of money by  using these tried and true products and contribute to a "green"  environment.   Buy these products from the Dollar Store and save more $$$$$!   

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