Accepted as originating in Turkey, it is made by fermenting milk.
It contains good bacteria called probiotics which aids in digestion,
helps prevent constipation, diarrhea, prevent inflammatory bowel
disease, may help with weight loss, and may discourage vaginal infections.
Yogurt also affects the amount of time food takes to travel through the bowels which is beneficial in preventing colon cancer. It also enhances the body's immune system.
It is a good source of protein and is packed with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, riboflavin, the B vitamins, and the D vitamins. A cup of yogurt contains around 10-14 grams of protein. For the best health benefits, eat yogurt daily or a least a few times a week.
A type of yogurt I really like is Greek yogurt. It' s thick, rich, creamy and delicious.
Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt. It cost more than regular yogurt but you can make your own easily and quickly and you can make it fat free or regular.
Start with a carton of unflavored, all natural , yogurt containing a live culture. It should state that on the carton. Use fat free yogurt if you want to minimize calories and fat grams.
Place two paper towels in a colander or large strainer and place over a bowl. Empty the entire carton of yogurt into the colander.
Cover the yogurt with more paper towels and put it in the refrigerator. The whey will drip off the yogurt in a few hours, leaving you a thick delicious Greek yogurt. Even people who are lactose intolerant can usually tolerate yogurt because the bacteria has already broken down the milk.
It's best to check the texture of the yogurt every hour or so in order to get the thickness you want. If you allow it to drip too long it will get pretty stiff.
Mix a half cup of homemade Greek yogurt with a glass of water and drink it if you prefer. I think the taste is great with just a dash of salt.
Yogurt is one of the super health foods. Enjoy it often. 
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