Monday, April 29, 2013

Best Kitchen Tips Ever

Want to reduce your household expenses, avoid the use of toxic substances and reduce waste at the landfill?

I am not a big fan of giving  money to Proctor and Gamble ( any other similar manufactures for that matter) and prefer to use more natural products on my body and in my home.

If you look under your sinks and count the number of containers of cleaning supplies and multiple that number by 4 (the average cost these days is about  $3.00 - $4.00 per container)  you will have an idea of how much you spend on supplies for your home and personal use items.   You can eliminate the expense and the clutter by using more natural and inexpensive supplies which you may already  have in your home.

Please see the suggestions below and decide which ones you can incorporate  into your life.

Flour and corn meal:  prevent bugs by freezing  new bags for 48 hours before placing them in the cabinet

Lemons.and limes:   freeze whole after washing well, to use grate while still frozen and add them to recipes (makes delicious salad dressings and sauces)

Bananas:  wrap in foil and freeze after starting to turn brown and use in smoothies, snacks, and baking after slightly thawing.

Coffee:  freeze left over coffee in an ice tray to make iced coffee and coffee flavored shakes

Chicken broth:  freeze broth in an ice tray, after frozen store in plastic bags and use cubes as needed
                        vegetables cooked in chicken broth decreases the need for salt and fats for great flavor

Coconut milk:   freeze in an ice tray, after frozen store in plastic bags and use cubes as needed.

Fresh Herbs:  chop and place in ice tray, cover with water or olive oil, after frozen store in freezer, add to recipes as needed

Cleaning fruits and vegetables:  soak in mixture of white vinegar and water before use

Personal Use
Tea bags:  freeze used tea bags and  place on eyes for 10-15 minutes to reduce puffiness and dark circles

Fingernails:  harden nails by adding fresh crushed garlic to clear nail polish.  Let stand for a week and use often.  It takes several minutes after polishing for the garlic smell to subside.

Smooth skin:  apply olive oil and leave on for 20 minutes before washing away
                      apply virgin coconut oil to skin after cleansing and
                      exfoliate skin on the face with baking soda combined with lotion, water, coconut oil or soap        
                      use coconut oil to remove eye makeup
                      use coconut oil as facial moisturizer
                      use coconut oil as soap

Hand Scrub:  mix olive oil with course salt, gently scrub and rinse

Body Scrub:  mix yellow corn meal with body lotion, gentle scrub  entire body while in the shower and then wash

Clean teeth and gums:  brush teeth and then swish 1 tsp coconut oil around teeth and gums for 20 minutes (oil pulling) and spit.

Toothpaste:  combine baking soda, salt, coconut oil and a drop of peppermint, brush as usual

Deodorant:  apply baking soda to underarms with a cotton ball, sprinkle baking soda in shoes, garbage cans, etc.

Glass top stove:  clean with baking soda and water paste after each use, buff glass for shine,  keep a scrapper handy to scrap away spills after each use.

Garbage disposal:  add baking soda and white  vinegar for a deodorizing clean  or use lemon juice and baking soda.

Marble: clean with lemon juice and baking soda

Stainless steel counter tops:  clean with baking soda and lemon juice

Stuck on food in stainless steel pans:  boil water in pan until stuck on food comes off easily or sprinkle stuck on food with baking soda and let sit until ready to clean

Clean hardwood, wood laminate, tile floors:  mix  white vinegar and water,  1/2 cup vinegar to a gallon of warm water

Stainless steel appliances:  wipe with coconut oil applied to a soft cloth to remove prints and streaks

Windows: clean with vinegar and water or make your own all purpose cleaner:
                 1 cup ammonia (purchase at a Dollar Store)
                 1 pint alcohol
                 1/2 teaspoon dish washing liquid
                 1 gallon of water (use hot water for really greasy, soiled areas)

Fabric softener:  add 3/4 cup baking soda to rinse cycle

Stain remover:  combine baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide and apply to stains

Send me your favorites, I would love to know what they are.

Be well!

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