Thursday, September 14, 2023

 Cleaning fruits and vegetables

At present, I prefer to soak my fruits and vegetables in baking soda and water.  Previously I used vinegar and water and I felt okay about that too.  But from articles I have read baking soda may do a better job.  

How to Wash Fruits & Vegetables with Baking Soda | Arm & Hammer (

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Meditation on Breath
By: Susan Ellison
April 2019
The breath has the same qualities as the Divine, The All that Is, the Tao, the Presence, Consciousness.
It is formless, weightless, invisible, available to everyone, impersonal, unemotional, and always present. It is timeless, nonphysical, has no beginning and no end, is not born and does not die.

The body receives the breath from the Universe, a Universe, which scientist say they cannot find an end to. With each breath, we take in a cosmic breath from the atmosphere of eternity, the eternal NOW.

Breath is the force that ignites consciousness in the body. It is the portal between Source and this body.
Kafir, an ancient mystic poet said, “ God is the breath within the breath!”

A person can do without food or water for sometime but cannot go without the breath for more than a few minutes. The breath is life and it is given freely without you having to think about it, ask for it, or desire it, It is just there. Without it the body breaks down to its basic elements and returns to the Universe. The breath breathes me!

The breath reminds us of our Oneness with all that is. There is one breath. We all receive the same breath from the Universe. What I exhale, you inhale, what you exhale, I inhale, Our ancestors breathed the same cosmic breath that we are breathing. It sustains all without discrimination, favoritism, and without conditions.

You can go any where in the world, where there are different cultures, ideas, opinions, but you find the breath is the same. You can have any Muslim, Buddhist, or Christian belief system but the breath is the same.

It's the first physical act you take when exiting the womb. It's the last physical act when consciousness leaves the body at death. It's likely the first instruction given to us by our parents, or by those who attended our birth We were told to “ breathe” and it was the first instruction we gave our children as they were being born. The first cry was the first breath entering the form.

It is the only thing about us that does not change, thoughts change, moods changes, the body changes but the breath doesn't change.

The breath balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It detoxifies the body, it balances an
inflamed nervous system. The nervous system is what needs healing in all of us not our True Self. Our ultimate nature, our True Self, our essence, is pure conscience awareness and It is perfect, whole, complete, needs nothing and is everything.

Even in deep dreamless sleep our breath is there. Our ego isn't! As we slip into sleep we leave it all behind, if we are a CEO, a President, a scientist, a rock star, it doesn't matter, all that leaves us and all that is there is our breath and pure consciousness,

When we are angry, breath is there, when peaceful and calm it is there. No matter our mood, our attitude, our disposition, our joy or our pain, it is always there.

Where ever we go, it goes, Do we have to stay in the city of our birth in order to have our breath. No, it is everywhere. There are no restrictions, we are free to go anywhere, we are not tethered to any particular place. Our breath is wherever we are.
With the breath we also create great beauty, through the formation of words of affection, kindness, support and we create beautiful songs that almost take our breath away.

We know how important breath is but we forget it's importance the instant we get stressed, which means we are overwhelmed with fear, and then a shallow breath becomes shallow thinking and shallow breathing creates shallow thinking. We have forgotten how to breathe because of anxiety, tension, and fear. Constricted muscles prevent the deep abdominal breathing the body needs for ultimate alertness. detoxification, and support.

We can truly be supportive to our self when something triggers us, we can go to the breath, when someone uses insulting words toward us, we can go to the breath instead of our programmed reactions. We can go to our breath when a car pulls out in front of us in traffic rather than our programmed reactions. When encountering anything we can go to your breath and let it support us, lift us, carry us, let the breath remind us of how supportive life is of life. When we are breathing we are receiving! Focusing on our breath frees us from reactive conditioned patterns.

Breath in vitality, stillness, wholeness. Allow your awareness to go out to the farthest reaches of the Universe, as far as your imagination will allow you and draw in a breath from there.

The breath quiets the mind, and a quiet mind is the portal to the Divine, to intelligence, to creativity, to intuition and a quiet mind will allow you to make the most wise, intuitive, decisions possible.

Let the breath humble you into surrender to Presence, to the Divine, to the present moment. Allow it to remind you, you are not the conditioned mind. You are the consciousness in which everything arises,

Consciousness, like the breath, is formless, unlimited, non-local, always giving, always supporting,
always saying yes to you,

When we breathe in stillness we are free. Every breath can bring us back to Source. We breathe in the support of the All That Is and All IS WELL as we allow everything to come in and everything to go out at the rate of a breath.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Summer Weight Loss Made Easy

food,tomato,desktop,vegetable,meal,refreshment,healthy,pepper,salad,diet,epicure,dinner,nutrition,onion,disjunct,tasty,isolate,leaf,lettuce Need to work on your body and return to your ideal, healthy weight? I want to share a free computer program that will help you and guide you easily and quickly to your ideal weight.
Summer is a great time to focus on healthier eating because of all the wonderful foods that are in season. Foods which are nutritionally dense and low in simple carbs and fat.
Not too long ago I tore the meniscus in my knee and it prevented me from exercising in the way I was used to. As I rehab-ed my knee (no I didn't have surgery, I rehab-ed my way) I gained an extra 12-15 pounds. As soon as I had full use of the knee again I went to work to let go of the extra pounds.
My weight dropped by 10 pounds in 8 weeks using a simple, convenient, free online program called  Now,  I have used computer programs in the past, years ago I taught weight management at a weight loss clinic and had access to what was available at the time,  but this program, my fitness pal, is so much more easy to use and has a much more extensive data base of foods, and no dues to pay.  They do have a professional program you can buy if you want, but the free program is sufficient. 

The program helps you become more focused, more aware of what you are consuming so that you can easily manage your fat, protein, sodium, and carbohydrate intake. 

Myfitnesspal also provides excellent articles on how to loose weight more easily and effectively.

I still eat the foods I love, just less volume.  My favorites, like Thai Chicken, Tacos, skinny margaritas, are still on the menu for me!

Providing healthy, wholesome food for your self and exercising is an act of self-love. 

I hope you will love yourself enough to provide the highest quality of food available to you. If you run into any issues with the program send me a comment.  I'll see if I can help you. 
                                            Bon appetit!


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Below is an exert from Ty Bollinger's Truth About Cancer


 The fuel you provide your body is the first step to keeping your body strong.
Choosing low fat options, limiting refined sugars, and eliminating pre-processed
foods will prevent your body from having to fight the toxins a poor food supply
delivers. A good rule of thumb is to go organic or as
close to it as you can get.
A nutrition plan high in natural foods like fruit,
vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts, fish high in
omega-3, beans, and low-refined oils such as olive
oil or coconut oil will give your cells vitamins,
minerals, and energy to keep you going each and
every day. Don’t forget to read your labels!

 More than 65% of the adult population in the United States is considered medically
overweight or obese and childhood obesity is rising every year. The steady climb in
our national weight coincides with our rate of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
to name a few. It is causing a chain reaction to every aspect of our health.
Maintaining (or obtaining) a healthy weight is crucial to your lifespan, your
quality of life, and determines your risk of serious illness. It’s considered a
national epidemic and though it is an uncomfortable topic – the number of
illnesses linked incontrovertibly to being overweight is terrifying. Start small,
know that every good change helps, and give your heart a rest.

 Experts estimate that women should drink approximately 90 ounces each day and
men should drink 100 ounces each day for optimum hydration. Your body is
primarily made of water and without enough of it, most of our basic functions such
as our lymphatic system, digestion, central nervous system, circulation, and
respiration suffer.
Start with eight ounces (one cup) each day if you rarely or never drink water.
Add another eight ounces every week until you’re consuming 64 ounces at the
minimum. You’ll notice a difference in your skin, breathing, and mental clarity
when you add water to your day.

 The studies linking stress to chronic inflammation which leads to diseases from
Alzheimer’s to cancer are astounding. The stress response causes a physiological
reaction within your body and every part of you suffers for it.
Removing “non-crucial” stressors from your life may seem difficult but small
changes can make a big difference. Hate your commute to work? Try public
transportation. Hate how packed the grocery store is when you go? Try early in
the morning or late in the evening instead.
Stressors you’re unable to remove – such as a sick relative, the after-effects of
divorce, or a toxic co-worker – can be handled more effectively with deep
breathing exercises and meditation.
Stress can and will kill you by inches. Take steps to lessen stress in every area
of your life possible and surround yourself with positive people who encourage a
stress-free environment.

 You don’t have to join an expensive gym to get exercise. Walking around your
block, following a yoga video on your computer, or doing low-impact aerobics in the
comfort of your living room will get you moving at no cost. If you live a sedentary
lifestyle, any additional movement is going to make a difference. Get up, get
moving, and be kind to yourself!

 Smoking raises your risk for every single known disease. It shortens your life by
slowly damaging your healthy cells. It is never too late to quit and it has never been
easier to get help. There are now nationwide programs to help you quit the habit for
good that are no cost to you.
If you quit smoking right now, your heart rate will begin to return to normal within
one hour. Your oxygen levels will begin to rise within one day and your risk of
heart attack will begin to drop. Two days of not smoking will improve your sense
of taste and smell. In three days, the nicotine is flushed from your body. Your
system will begin to regenerate cells damaged by smoking and lung function
will begin to improve within two weeks.  Every aspect of quitting is good for
you. Fight through withdrawal, kick the addiction, and breathe again.

 When you consume more than a glass or two of alcohol each day, it raises
inflammation levels in your body, robs your body of folate, raises hormone levels,
and causes you to gain weight. A natural irritant, it can lead to damage in the
mouth, throat, digestive system, and liver over time.
If you are in cancer treatment and immediately after – you should not consume
alcohol of any kind as they can dangerously interact with treatment medications.

 Sleep deprivation is a chronic problem in our modern world. Adults should get
between 7-9 hours every night to allow your body time to restore your cells.
According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch, 75% of adults in the United States
report getting too little sleep.  A lack of adequate sleep leads to reduction in memory and retention, weight gain, an increase in blood pressure, poor mood, and lowers immunity steadily
over time, which increases your risk of serious disease.

 Skin cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in the United States and the
most common cause is overexposure to UV (ultraviolet) light which is preventable.
Sunlight gives you a natural potent form of vitamin D. Take care to avoid the sun
during the hottest part of the day, and wear protective clothing if you’ll be outside all

These powerful herbs have medicinal qualities that can prevent cancer and boost
your immune system. Some of these herbs and plants are:
Fresh Garlic
Mushrooms: Shiitake, Reishi, and Maitake
Dried Astragalus
Panax Ginseng (mainly known as Korean or
Asian Ginseng)
Tasty antimicrobials: Thyme, Rosemary, and
Gingko Biloba 

Sleeping Beauty: Sleep Hygiene Tips

Regular, uninterrupted sleep is an important habit which contributes to looking and feeling our best.  Sleep is the way our bodies reboot.  Everything gets reset as you unplug from your day to day activities. Below are some ideas I hope will assist you in having the best sleep possible.

Image result for photos of peaceful sleepThe ABCs  for Improving Sleep 

Avoid bed clothes that twist or are tight

A hot bath or sauna 3 hours before bed can be relaxing or stimulating,  do which is most relaxing  for you.

Avoid alcohol as it can disrupt sleep cycle

Avoid caffeine after 2 pm  (tea, coffee, chocolate, sodas)

Avoid eating 3 hours before bed.

Avoid vigorous exercise or dramatic TV or reading, as well as argumentative discussions 3 hours before bed

Avoid harsh sounding alarms for waking up,  Try soothing music or a  sunlight clock

uy the most hypoallergenic pillow and mattress you can and use sheets of a high thread count for softness

Breathe deeply through out the day to stimulate relaxation of the nervous system

Create a clean, quiet, peaceful atmosphere in your home, conducive for sleep

Drink chamomile tea

Drink most of your water during the early part of the day. First thing in the morning drink 16 - 32 oz  and avoid drinking 2 hours before bed to prevent waking to empty your bladder

Focus on your in and out breathe (mindful breathing) to induce sleep

Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day in order to set your circadian rhythms (important chemical processes take place in the body only when you are asleep and it is synchronized  with the earths rhythms)  

Get 20- 30 minutes of natural sunlight each day with out wearing contacts or any glasses.  This stimulates the pineal gland to make melatonin.

Get a massage as often as you can to promote relaxation 

Gently contract and relax each muscle group while lying in bed and deep breathe

If possible allow some fresh air to enter the room through a slightly raised window

If you have trouble with nasal stuffiness,  irrigate sinuses before bed with a neti pot or irrigation device. Make irrigation solution with  1 cup distilled water, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

Investigate Sleep Night Patches.

Listen to calming music or try light (non-stimulating ) reading

Keep all wireless technology more than 3 feet from the head of your bed, or completely out of room if possible

Keep bedroom as dark as possible and as cool as possible. (even if you wear a sleep mask, light touches your skin and can interfere with sleep

Keep air purifying plants in your sleeping area (spider plant, peace lily

Listen to sleep inducing music, sounds of rain, ocean waves and nature serve as great white noise

Practice daily meditation which resets the fight or flight part of the brain

Repeat a mantra such as Sa Ta Na Ma or  So Hum when you awaken during the night, this keeps your brain from going ina hundred different directions and keeping you awake

Sleep alone if disturbed by another's snoring or movement

Sleep in a cool room, around 65 degrees or cooler

Take 3 mg of melatonin 45- 60 minutes (experiment with up to 6 or 10 mg)  before bed time or try Valerian Root or Chamomile

Talk to your self every night before you go to sleep that your sleep will be restful and restorative and thank your subconscious mind for working with you to give you  restful sleep
Image result for photo of lavender oil
Use Lavender oil on your pillow or massage into temples or infuse into air

Visualize relaxing, peaceful scenes of nature that you have experienced or just imagine them

Walk daily for 30 minutes or perform some other form of exercise.  Avoid vigorous exercise 3 hours before going to bed. 

Yawn 10 times dilberately as this stimulates the nervous system  to relax

Zealously and purposefully laugh every opportunity you get during the day to keep endorphin levels high

Africa |  A lioness sleeping peacefully in a tree.  Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda |  lilim91 on Foutard#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Who You Are and Insight into Your Primary Purpose



Over the years I have spent thousands and thousands of hours in work shops, seminars, reading books, and listening to audio programs.   My primary goal was to obtain an overview of  the many philosophy's, beliefs and ideas about human growth and development, or more specifically human consciousness, that I  could possibly obtain.  From those ideas, I took what resonated with me and what I believed would  help me in deciding how to live my life.

Many good ideas have come from my research and I have used them to better my life in many ways. There are  untold numbers of wonderful techniques for expanding our abilities in self love, compassion, intuition, self healing, and creativity,

A process I would like to share with you is a technique to identify what is really important to you and help you identify your primary goals and purpose.

Let's start with an understanding of who/what we really are.

I love the Buddhist view of the self as nothing, a "No Thing."   Buddhism teaches we are made up of everything, we are the universe,  not a thing.  The universe resides in our physical body and it functions much like the solar system.   We are a fluid process, not a thing.

Our identity as a self, a personality, an ego,  develops because of the experiences we have and the belief systems which forms from these experiences.  The self , the ego, is nothing more than a tape recording of these life experiences.  These recordings are not a real solid identity, a self, it is just a compilation of concepts.   The recorded programs loop and play over and over within our conscious awareness.   We are  really an illusion, a false self which we believe is real.

Our personality is a "relational thing," not a solid fixed identity.  We act and think in a particular way in each moment because of our recorded programs and the environment and circumstances which occur in the moment.  We are never the same self, we change moment by moment, just as the water in a river changes constantly as the current flows.   Most of us identify our self as being the ego, the smaller self, the illusion, but there is another identity available.

Our true identity is pure awareness, the consciousness, the  observer of  all our thoughts and feelings.  Consciousness, mental energy,  is pure positive energy which just exists, swirls,  and waits for an intention to take that energy and mold it into something.

With this foundation of understanding,  here is the technique for exploring your goals, potentials, and purpose using pure mental energy:

Use deep breathing and relaxation exercises to enter into a state of meditation.  Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath, watching it move in and out of the body, counting your breaths in circuits of 10 breaths each  until you start to feel very relaxed.

Now use your pure positive mental energy, your imagination,  to see yourself leaving your physical body.  Imagine this is the end of this physical incarnation and you are returning to a state of pure conscious awareness, you have no body but are very much aware of every thing in the physical world.  Feel yourself rise above your body, aware of everything.
Image result for picture of spirit leaving body

Now take a moment to decide what you would want to do immediately as  pure awareness. Who would you  want to check on?  What events  would you  be interested in?   Who would you want to help from this higher state of consciousness?   How could you help them from this position of pure awareness?  Would you want to do everything for that person or mainly support them and help them along so they could learn to believe in themselves?   What world conditions would you want to change?   Stay with this until you feel  that you know what you would do and then slowly return your awareness to your body by wiggling your fingers and toes and then open your eyes.

This exercise will show what is really important to us and what could be our primary goal or goals now.  It can help us identify our passion.   We don't have to wait until we crossover to be a positive influence or make a difference in the  areas that mean so much to us.

Once we decide what is important,  we need to take action immediately, show the universe this is important, keep putting our attention on the things that matter and take action steps so that  life will conspire  to support our endeavors.

If we want to write, we must write.  If we want to play a musical instrument,  we must make efforts to play.   Is there a cause we want to put our attention on?  We must go to the places that people involved in these things would go to, become fully invested  in our  interests.

The pure positive energy, which we simply float in,  much like a fish floats in water, is available to all of us equally but we must decide to use it by continuing to take steps in the direction of  our desires and interests.

After this meditation, write down all that you can remember so you have a record of what is important to you.  These mental ideas vanish quickly, much like a dream, so recording them immediately is important.  I hope many things are revealed to you and that you live your passion each day.

May you feel inspired, motivated, and sure of yourself as you confidently move in the direction of
your desires.
                                Image result for picture of cosmos flower

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Confessions of a Light Worker

Very early in life I knew my purpose was to be a healer. As a very small child I played the role of healer for my cousins, brothers and sisters. I carried around a little plastic toy medical bag, and I would give people red hot candy as a pill and I gave them pretend shots whenever I saw them in pain so I could make them feel better. I had a highly developed empathic sensory system as a child and I was deeply affected by the pain of others.

As an adult, I  practiced nursing in a wide variety of settings. I knew my role was to help soothe, comfort and heal pain in others, regardless of whether it was physical or emotional pain. I spent over 35 years in my profession before I fully understood there was even more I could do to help others and that I could contribute immensely to the relieve of others sufferings even after I retired from the medical profession.

I discovered my true purpose in life when I became aware of why I drew to me many people with emotional, physical, and mental issues. People who were filled with turmoil, who were self-absorbed, armored, prejudiced, angry, or depressed would find their way to me. People would pick me out of a crowd and bring right to my face their personal issues. If someone had something to complain about, it was me who they wanted to unburden themselves on. I could read their energy. I was empathicly aware of what they were feeling physically and emotionally.

For many years I did not understand why I could “feel” their energy or nor did I know what to do with it! I questioned why I was the one they chose to unload on. I thought their behavior was about me somehow. I took it personal. I thought they were showing me their pain because they didn't like me. I thought I must be flawed in some way for these people to keep showing me their pain. Yet, often these people who didn't even know me . I was very confused as to why this happened so frequently and about my value as a person, and about the intelligence and integrity of the people I would meet.

Then, one day, a light came on! Well, it really came on after years of reflection, contemplation, and spiritual study when I realized these people presented themselves and their issues to me in order for me to be a catalyst to help them heal. I was to be a Light Worker in their behalf.

I realized their behavior was not about me at all. People were showing me how much pain they were in and how unaware they were of what they could do to help themselves. I realized there was something I could do to help them and I understood how I could stop hurting myself by believing that something was wrong with me or believing I deserved to feel their pain for some reason.

Since I was unable to change the course of their life or make choices for them I came to understand that all I could do was to pray on their behalf. I could formulate a blessing for them that I could utter into the ether's, a blessing to invite divine quantum energy to work in their behalf. I could create a spiritual mind treatment for them. I knew how to do that and I believed in the effectiveness of spiritual mind treatments for I had studied and applied science of mind techniques in my own life for some time.  I had used the power of belief, faith, and conviction in my life to heal my own issues.

As my life purpose became more clear to me, when the light within my consciousness began to shine brightly, I clearly saw my role as a Light Worker.

I saw that being able to empathicly read others energy and see their energy leaks and blocks was truly a gift. I could use this gift in a meaningful way that would help others.

An empathic sensory system is very powerful and is to be used for the benefit of others and when used properly, it brings tremendous joy to the one who has the ability.

Whenever I “read” someone's energy and feel what they are feeling, I immediately begin using my empathic healing energy skills in a very quiet, unobtrusive way, unnoticed by anyone, to bring them relief. I invite Light, prana, divine healing energy into their energy field. I ask divine intelligence to use me to bring relief from suffering, to bring awareness and enlightenment to the one in pain and I thank the Light for using me as a catalyst. I ask to become the doctor, the medicine, the nurse for their ills.

Using my mental physic energy in this way releases their pain from my energy field and brings to me the peace I desire for them. Using my empathic energy in this way is truly a blessing. I have totally changed the way I interact with reality so that I no longer perceive others pain as a reason for me to be in pain but an opportunity for me to help them find relief. Today, I joyfully accept my mission as a Light Worker and no longer question why some one shows up in my life.

Perhaps you had experiences that caused you to wonder about your true purpose. Perhaps you feel called to be a Light Worker. If so, consider the words of well known author, Dorren Virtue. She provides some insight into the nature of a light Worker.

She said:
“You are a light worker if you:
1. Feel called to heal others.
2. Want to resolve the world's social and environmental problems.
3. Believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation.
4. Had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions or angelic encounters.
5. Endured harsh life experiences that eroded the knowledge of your Divine perfection.
6. Want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world.
7. Feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel about your healing experiences.
8. Felt a sense of time urgency to fulfill your mission before you even  knew  you were here for a higher purpose, even if you were unsure what that purpose was or how to fulfill it."

It is my pleasure and purpose to serve all those who come into my presence seeking healing, wholeness, and freedom from suffering. Of course,  that is every person I meet! My work is fulfilling, meaningful, never done, and never a burden now that I know the true purpose of my empathic gift.

May all beings be healed.
May all beings be free of suffering.
May all beings be joyful at heart.
May all beings find their way to the light.