Very early in life I knew my purpose was to be a healer. As a very small child I played the role of healer for my cousins, brothers and sisters. I carried around a little plastic toy medical bag, and I would give people red hot candy as a pill and I gave them pretend shots whenever I saw them in pain so I could make them feel better. I had a highly developed empathic sensory system as a child and I was deeply affected by the pain of others.
As an adult, I practiced nursing in a wide variety of settings. I knew my role was to help soothe, comfort and heal pain in others, regardless of whether it was physical or emotional pain. I spent over 35 years in my profession before I fully understood there was even more I could do to help others and that I could contribute immensely to the relieve of others sufferings even after I retired from the medical profession.
I discovered my true purpose in life when I became aware of why I drew to me many people with emotional, physical, and mental issues. People who were filled with turmoil, who were self-absorbed, armored, prejudiced, angry, or depressed would find their way to me. People would pick me out of a crowd and bring right to my face their personal issues. If someone had something to complain about, it was me who they wanted to unburden themselves on. I could read their energy. I was empathicly aware of what they were feeling physically and emotionally.
For many years I did not understand why I could “feel” their energy or nor did I know what to do with it! I questioned why I was the one they chose to unload on. I thought their behavior was about me somehow. I took it personal. I thought they were showing me their pain because they didn't like me. I thought I must be flawed in some way for these people to keep showing me their pain. Yet, often these people who didn't even know me . I was very confused as to why this happened so frequently and about my value as a person, and about the intelligence and integrity of the people I would meet.
Then, one day, a light came on! Well, it really came on after years of reflection, contemplation, and spiritual study when I realized these people presented themselves and their issues to me in order for me to be a catalyst to help them heal. I was to be a Light Worker in their behalf.
I realized their behavior was not about me at all. People were showing me how much pain they were in and how unaware they were of what they could do to help themselves. I realized there was something I could do to help them and I understood how I could stop hurting myself by believing that something was wrong with me or believing I deserved to feel their pain for some reason.
Since I was unable to change the course of their life or make choices for them I came to understand that all I could do was to pray on their behalf. I could formulate a blessing for them that I could utter into the ether's, a blessing to invite divine quantum energy to work in their behalf. I could create a spiritual mind treatment for them. I knew how to do that and I believed in the effectiveness of spiritual mind treatments for I had studied and applied science of mind techniques in my own life for some time. I had used the power of belief, faith, and conviction in my life to heal my own issues.
As my life purpose became more clear to me, when the light within my consciousness began to shine brightly, I clearly saw my role as a Light Worker.
I saw that being able to empathicly read others energy and see their energy leaks and blocks was truly a gift. I could use this gift in a meaningful way that would help others.
An empathic sensory system is very powerful and is to be used for the benefit of others and when used properly, it brings tremendous joy to the one who has the ability.
Whenever I “read” someone's energy and feel what they are feeling, I immediately begin using my empathic healing energy skills in a very quiet, unobtrusive way, unnoticed by anyone, to bring them relief. I invite Light, prana, divine healing energy into their energy field. I ask divine intelligence to use me to bring relief from suffering, to bring awareness and enlightenment to the one in pain and I thank the Light for using me as a catalyst. I ask to become the doctor, the medicine, the nurse for their ills.
Using my mental physic energy in this way releases their pain from my energy field and brings to me the peace I desire for them. Using my empathic energy in this way is truly a blessing. I have totally changed the way I interact with reality so that I no longer perceive others pain as a reason for me to be in pain but an opportunity for me to help them find relief. Today, I joyfully accept my mission as a Light Worker and no longer question why some one shows up in my life.
Perhaps you had experiences that caused you to wonder about your true purpose. Perhaps you feel called to be a Light Worker. If so, consider the words of well known author, Dorren Virtue. She provides some insight into the nature of a light Worker.
She said:
“You are a light worker if you:
1. Feel called to heal others.
2. Want to resolve the world's social and environmental problems.
3. Believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation.
4. Had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions or angelic encounters.
5. Endured harsh life experiences that eroded the knowledge of your Divine perfection.
6. Want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world.
7. Feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel about your healing experiences.
8. Felt a sense of time urgency to fulfill your mission before you even knew you were here for a higher purpose, even if you were unsure what that purpose was or how to fulfill it."
It is my pleasure and purpose to serve all those who come into my presence seeking healing, wholeness, and freedom from suffering. Of course, that is every person I meet! My work is fulfilling, meaningful, never done, and never a burden now that I know the true purpose of my empathic gift.
May all beings be healed.
May all beings be free of suffering.
May all beings be joyful at heart.
May all beings find their way to the light.
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