Over the years I have spent thousands and thousands of hours in work shops, seminars, reading books, and listening to audio programs. My primary goal was to obtain an overview of the many philosophy's, beliefs and ideas about human growth and development, or more specifically human consciousness, that I could possibly obtain. From those ideas, I took what resonated with me and what I believed would help me in deciding how to live my life.
Many good ideas have come from my research and I have used them to better my life in many ways. There are untold numbers of wonderful techniques for expanding our abilities in self love, compassion, intuition, self healing, and creativity,
A process I would like to share with you is a technique to identify what is really important to you and help you identify your primary goals and purpose.
Let's start with an understanding of who/what we really are.
I love the Buddhist view of the self as nothing, a "No Thing." Buddhism teaches we are made up of everything, we are the universe, not a thing. The universe resides in our physical body and it functions much like the solar system. We are a fluid process, not a thing.
Our identity as a self, a personality, an ego, develops because of the experiences we have and the belief systems which forms from these experiences. The self , the ego, is nothing more than a tape recording of these life experiences. These recordings are not a real solid identity, a self, it is just a compilation of concepts. The recorded programs loop and play over and over within our conscious awareness. We are really an illusion, a false self which we believe is real.
Our personality is a "relational thing," not a solid fixed identity. We act and think in a particular way in each moment because of our recorded programs and the environment and circumstances which occur in the moment. We are never the same self, we change moment by moment, just as the water in a river changes constantly as the current flows. Most of us identify our self as being the ego, the smaller self, the illusion, but there is another identity available.
Our true identity is pure awareness, the consciousness, the observer of all our thoughts and feelings. Consciousness, mental energy, is pure positive energy which just exists, swirls, and waits for an intention to take that energy and mold it into something.
With this foundation of understanding, here is the technique for exploring your goals, potentials, and purpose using pure mental energy:
Use deep breathing and relaxation exercises to enter into a state of meditation. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath, watching it move in and out of the body, counting your breaths in circuits of 10 breaths each until you start to feel very relaxed.
Now use your pure positive mental energy, your imagination, to see yourself leaving your physical body. Imagine this is the end of this physical incarnation and you are returning to a state of pure conscious awareness, you have no body but are very much aware of every thing in the physical world. Feel yourself rise above your body, aware of everything.
Now take a moment to decide what you would want to do immediately as pure awareness. Who would you want to check on? What events would you be interested in? Who would you want to help from this higher state of consciousness? How could you help them from this position of pure awareness? Would you want to do everything for that person or mainly support them and help them along so they could learn to believe in themselves? What world conditions would you want to change? Stay with this until you feel that you know what you would do and then slowly return your awareness to your body by wiggling your fingers and toes and then open your eyes.
This exercise will show what is really important to us and what could be our primary goal or goals now. It can help us identify our passion. We don't have to wait until we crossover to be a positive influence or make a difference in the areas that mean so much to us.
Once we decide what is important, we need to take action immediately, show the universe this is important, keep putting our attention on the things that matter and take action steps so that life will conspire to support our endeavors.
If we want to write, we must write. If we want to play a musical instrument, we must make efforts to play. Is there a cause we want to put our attention on? We must go to the places that people involved in these things would go to, become fully invested in our interests.
The pure positive energy, which we simply float in, much like a fish floats in water, is available to all of us equally but we must decide to use it by continuing to take steps in the direction of our desires and interests.
After this meditation, write down all that you can remember so you have a record of what is important to you. These mental ideas vanish quickly, much like a dream, so recording them immediately is important. I hope many things are revealed to you and that you live your passion each day.
May you feel inspired, motivated, and sure of yourself as you confidently move in the direction of
your desires.
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