Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sleeping Beauty: Sleep Hygiene Tips

Regular, uninterrupted sleep is an important habit which contributes to looking and feeling our best.  Sleep is the way our bodies reboot.  Everything gets reset as you unplug from your day to day activities. Below are some ideas I hope will assist you in having the best sleep possible.

Image result for photos of peaceful sleepThe ABCs  for Improving Sleep 

Avoid bed clothes that twist or are tight

A hot bath or sauna 3 hours before bed can be relaxing or stimulating,  do which is most relaxing  for you.

Avoid alcohol as it can disrupt sleep cycle

Avoid caffeine after 2 pm  (tea, coffee, chocolate, sodas)

Avoid eating 3 hours before bed.

Avoid vigorous exercise or dramatic TV or reading, as well as argumentative discussions 3 hours before bed

Avoid harsh sounding alarms for waking up,  Try soothing music or a  sunlight clock

uy the most hypoallergenic pillow and mattress you can and use sheets of a high thread count for softness

Breathe deeply through out the day to stimulate relaxation of the nervous system

Create a clean, quiet, peaceful atmosphere in your home, conducive for sleep

Drink chamomile tea

Drink most of your water during the early part of the day. First thing in the morning drink 16 - 32 oz  and avoid drinking 2 hours before bed to prevent waking to empty your bladder

Focus on your in and out breathe (mindful breathing) to induce sleep

Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day in order to set your circadian rhythms (important chemical processes take place in the body only when you are asleep and it is synchronized  with the earths rhythms)  

Get 20- 30 minutes of natural sunlight each day with out wearing contacts or any glasses.  This stimulates the pineal gland to make melatonin.

Get a massage as often as you can to promote relaxation 

Gently contract and relax each muscle group while lying in bed and deep breathe

If possible allow some fresh air to enter the room through a slightly raised window

If you have trouble with nasal stuffiness,  irrigate sinuses before bed with a neti pot or irrigation device. Make irrigation solution with  1 cup distilled water, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

Investigate Sleep Night Patches.

Listen to calming music or try light (non-stimulating ) reading

Keep all wireless technology more than 3 feet from the head of your bed, or completely out of room if possible

Keep bedroom as dark as possible and as cool as possible. (even if you wear a sleep mask, light touches your skin and can interfere with sleep

Keep air purifying plants in your sleeping area (spider plant, peace lily

Listen to sleep inducing music, sounds of rain, ocean waves and nature serve as great white noise

Practice daily meditation which resets the fight or flight part of the brain

Repeat a mantra such as Sa Ta Na Ma or  So Hum when you awaken during the night, this keeps your brain from going ina hundred different directions and keeping you awake

Sleep alone if disturbed by another's snoring or movement

Sleep in a cool room, around 65 degrees or cooler

Take 3 mg of melatonin 45- 60 minutes (experiment with up to 6 or 10 mg)  before bed time or try Valerian Root or Chamomile

Talk to your self every night before you go to sleep that your sleep will be restful and restorative and thank your subconscious mind for working with you to give you  restful sleep
Image result for photo of lavender oil
Use Lavender oil on your pillow or massage into temples or infuse into air

Visualize relaxing, peaceful scenes of nature that you have experienced or just imagine them

Walk daily for 30 minutes or perform some other form of exercise.  Avoid vigorous exercise 3 hours before going to bed. 

Yawn 10 times dilberately as this stimulates the nervous system  to relax

Zealously and purposefully laugh every opportunity you get during the day to keep endorphin levels high

Africa |  A lioness sleeping peacefully in a tree.  Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda |  lilim91 on Foutard#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#

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